Summer 1 2024

Friday 10th May 2024

This week we have been looking at Cottonwool Colin and have started to think about what our characters will be for our own stories. We have ‘Rubber Rick’ and ‘Tinfoil Tim’ as some examples. We have planned a beginning, middle and an end and we shall start writing them next week.

The children enjoyed being outside for wildtribe, the weather was beautiful. They made clay minibeast and got to eat some popcorn with sugar on it! They also did some mud painting – apologies if they were messy!

In Computing the children used keyboards on the ipads to add and remove text. They also explored the toolbar and how to make the text bold, italicised or underlined. We also looked at how to use upper and lower case letters.

In PE a naught badger hid all of the equipment so the children had to work as teams to solve clues to find the missing bits. This was so much fun. In our other PE lessons we have been doing some sports day practice. We are getting so good at sack and skipping now.

The year two children have been looking at fractions and as an introduction to multiplication, the year one children have been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and seeing what different amounts of groups equal.

Please ensure homework is returned before Thursday and that children have read and this is recorded in their journals.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x

Friday 3rd May 2024

This week the children have started to look at a new text in English: Cottonwool Colin. We talked about what we thought was going to happen and paused at relevant parts. We then had a go at ‘summarising’ what happens. We used bullet points which the children found exciting. They liked that they didn’t have to write out the whole story!

In Science we had a think about ‘living, dead and never alive’. We had some great discussions about things like pencils and tables as they used to be trees which were alive so they classified as a ‘dead’ object now.

In RE the children have been thinking about ‘peace’ and who the disciples were.

In PSHE they have been thinking about how we can greet people and friends: hugs (if given permission), high five, waves etc..

In Music the children had a go at responding to music by drawing and then reflected on their favourite versions.

Please keep reading and completing homework.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x

Friday26th April

In RE we looked at the story of Peter the fisherman and how the story talked of forgiveness.  We drew pictures with speech bubbles saying why we are sorry and asking for forgiveness.

In PSHE we looked at what made  a good friend and thought about qualities that they need such as sharing and being a good listener.

In History, we looked at Neil Armstrong – he was the first man on the moon!

In Art we had a think about sculptures and we had  ago at making our own 3 dimensional sculptures using materials from around the classroom.

The years ones have been very lucky this week and have had WildTribe AND EarthTribe. They have loved spending so much time outdoors whilst doing their learning.

Have a super weekend and please ensure that all homework is completed and handed in by Thursday.

Miss G x

Friday 19th April 2024

Happy Summer 1 term!

The children have been looking at a new story in English. ‘Something Fishy’. They loved the creative element of the washing machine being an ocean with socks as fish and trousers as a shark. The children have acted out the story to their peers and they have been using exciting adjectives to describe some of the nouns in the video. They’ve also written some super sentences about the  story and ensured they have used accurate punctuation.

The children had such a wonderful time during WildTribe and listened well during the fire safety talk. This week they observed how the marshmallows were toasted and next week they will get to have a go at doing it themselves. The children used materials to clothe their stick friends.

We had the RNLI visit us during the week and the children took part in an interactive assembly. The children should now be able to tell you how to FLOAT safely if they ever run into difficulty in the water and how to signal for help using a closed fist.

In Science the children have been thinking about diet an dhow it varies for different animals. We thought about how we get food, how pets get food and how wild animals get their food. We don’t all eat the same food either!

In RE the children have been talking about  what the good news is from Jesus for Matthew.

No homework sheets this week